Animal Planet's Cat Breed Directory
- Use our search tool to find the best cat for you. Whether cats are completely domesticated is questionable, but it is believed that humans have bred cats for specific characteristics for the past 2,000 years. These profiles explore some of those breeds and their unique traits. Each profile covers three specific areas: history, personality and conformation (the physical appearance of the cat). Check out your cat's illustrious history and description, or browse around for your perfect pet.
Animal Planet's Dog Breed Directory
- Since the first arranged dog breeding, humans have been gradually creating the most diverse species in the world: Canis familiaris, the domestic dog. Diversity in dogs existed even in prehistoric times, with distinct types of families, or "breeds," arising among their wolf ancestors 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.
Our dog breed directory is designed to inform you about some of these different breeds, but also to provide information that will help you choose the best dog for you. Check out your own dog's illustrious history, or browse around for the perfect canine pal.
- Breeders.NET is your comprehensive Web resource for dog breeders listings, purebred puppies, dog breeds, rescue groups, and dog breed pictures. If you're searching for information on your favorite dog breed - or if you want to know if a soft, warm puppy is right for your family - you've sniffed out the right site!
Cat Breed Information
- Checkout your favorite cat breeds on Catster, a place for cat lovers.
Cat Breeds Available for Adoption On Petfinder
- Search for cats to adopt by breed.
Cat Channel Cat Breeders Directory
- Our Cat Breeders will teach you about the cat breed you are interested in and whether this breed is a good choice for you and your family. Also find a local cat breeder so you can avoid shipping your kitten/kittens. The cat breeder you choose to buy your kitten/kittens from should be able to provide you with a picture of the kittens and their ancestors. Be sure to research your cat breed thoroughly by looking up breed information.
Cat Fanciers Association Cat Breeder Referral Search
- Find a local breeder.
CFA Directory Pedigreed Cat Breeds
- Our breed profiles present a brief look at each breed's history, characteristics and personality. The historical breed articles give an indepth and detailed look at the history of a breed.
Dog Trainer Search
- The Dog Trainer Search provides dog training information, helps you find dog trainers, puppy training tips, dog training articles and how to become a dog trainer.
Dog Training USA
- Find dog training obedience classes, dog trainers, and dog training schools in our national directory of dog resources.
- is a Free search engine & directory strictly related to dog Websites ... breeders, vendors, trainers, products, ... etc. If you want your Website indcluded, you should get listed by filling out our online form.
Fanciers Breeder Referral List
- The oldest dedicated pedigreed cat breeder referral service on the World Wide Web. Founded and operated by a cat breeder for cat breeders, the FBRL has been operating since November 1994, and hosts over 2,400 listings in over 20 countries.
Pedigree Database
- Dog site directory.
Pet Friendly Travel
- Travel with your pet and find pet friendly vacation rentals, hotels, B&Bs and lodging. provides easy access to pet friendly hotels and accommodations, dog and pet friendly hotels, vacation rentals, cabins, motels, bed and breakfast inns, campgrounds, resorts and spas in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
- Directory of pet related web sites. Indexes pets, products, and services. Also provides pet news, discussions, and shopping.
- A dedicated and comprehensive pet directory.
Puppy Find
- Dog breeders and dog breeds directory. AKC puppies for sale, dogs for sale. Find the perfect AKC puppy for sale at
Simply Pets
- Pet resources including forums, pet food recipes, quotations, and a pet site directory.
Terrific Cats
- TerrificCats is a website you can find information on cat breeds, locate cat breeders, cat names and more.